What Is a Lymphatic Drainage Massage and How Can It Help?

At C3 Wellness in Cypress, we offer a variety of spa services to help you relax and rejuvenate. One of our most popular therapeutic massage options is lymphatic drainage massage, which can have numerous benefits for your health and wellbeing. Keep reading to learn more about what this type of massage entails and how it could provide you with relief. Then schedule an appointment for spa massage therapy today!

What Is Lymphatic Drainage Massage? 

Lymphatic drainage massage, also referred to as manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), is a special type of spa massage therapy that involves gentle, rhythmic strokes and stretches designed to stimulate the lymphatic system. This system plays an important role in supporting body immunity and eliminating waste products from the body.

What Happens During a Lymphatic Drainage Massage? 

During a lymphatic drainage massage, toxins are released from the tissues and filtered by the lymph nodes, allowing for better circulation and improved overall health and wellbeing.

How Can Lymphatic Drainage Massage Help? 

Lymphatic drainage massage can help with a variety of physical issues including lymphedema, swelling, headaches and migraines, muscle pain, water retention, and allergies. It can also help with stress relief by reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation.

What To Expect

Lymphatic drainage massage is quite gentle and typically very soothing. The massage therapist will apply light pressure using their hands, in circular motions along the direction of the lymphatic flow. It is not uncommon to experience some tingling or heaviness during the session as toxins are being released from your body. After the massage, you may feel more relaxed as well as some relief from your symptoms. 

Schedule a Therapeutic Massage in Cypress!

At C3 Wellness in Cypress, we provide experienced spa massage therapists who are skilled in administering this type of therapeutic massage. If you’re looking for a way to relax and rejuvenate while reaping the many benefits of lymphatic drainage massage, contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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