Create Space for a Glorious 2022

by Dr. David Orman

Create Space.
CLEAN out your closets. Donate the clothing you have not worn this year. You are not wearing it in 2022 despite the story you are telling yourself. Someone else needs it.

CLEAR out that drawer. Throw away those old business cards and coupons and names of friends that used to be friends and if they still are, you would have called them this year. The moment has passed. The cycle, ended.

GET RID of the pictures and apps on your phone that you are not using. If you have not started learning Italian or how to use bitcoin since you downloaded them in 2017, you never will. The reasons why-you-should were just not big.

TAKE OUT your 2022 Dream Board or Goals. Delete 2 of every 3. You are not getting them all done and when you don’t you feel poorly. Delete 2/3’s of them. What is left is important is what is important and it will get done. You win.

Finally, TAKE A DAY OFF from speaking, including the internal dialogue. Clear the junk stored in your mind and in your heart. Create space.

“What is left is what is important and what is important will be done.”

If you want the same year repeated, please disregard all of the above.

If you want newness, opportunity, change, blessings, and more, create space and allow the Great Spirit to fill our needs and shower us with gifts in ways that add color and brightness, and surprise to our lives. Our job is just to Create Space to receive and allow our love to share the gifts with others.

Welcome to a Glorious 2022!